Kid-Friendly Outdoor Projects
Make Stepping Stones
We did this project a few years ago and the stones have moved around with our family. You can buy pre-made stepping stone kits or do it yourself with a 40-lb bag of ready-mix concrete or mortar. One bag should make 3 to 5 stones. You can use wood, old pans or cake pans to create 2-inch thick stones. While the concrete is still wet, add decorative items like beads, marbles, and tiles. You can also write your kid's name and date on the stone. Wait at least 48 hours for the concrete to dry before you remove it from the form.
Decorate Your Mailbox
Not all homes have individual mailboxes anymore, but if you do live in an area with your very own mailbox, you may consider painting or decorating it with the kids. Once you demount the mailbox, clean and dry it completely. Place a coat of metal primer on it and then let your kid's imagination take over. You can use craft stencils, decorative paint and designs to make it unique. Don't forget to include your house numbers as well.
Make a Stacked Plant Tower
Kids will love this outdoor project since it plays on optical illusion. Stick a ½-inch diameter wooden dowel or piece of copper pipe firmly into the ground or a big pot. Put clay pots of various sizes onto the pipe, threading the pipe through the drain holes. Fill the pots with soil and tilt them at crazy angles. The rods should hold up all the pots upright.
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